What is the general premise of the video?  
I feel like the general premise of the video is about showing how drawn in the world is to our phones, and how nothing and nobody is as it seems in the real world, but online, everything seems good and normal, and people get enjoyment from their phone.
    Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message?
I think the video does convey its message well, it shows the ways we see right past things because of our phones. 
    Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?

I believe this video tells a story about how we are so drawn in and sucked into our phones, that events, and days and nights, and eventually our time living is lost because we are stuck on our phones, meaning that we're so caught uo in it that all of a sudden our life fades, just like that.


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